There are several reasons why a church Choir is important, some of these reasons are to grow the talent within our kids, grow the love of singing to the Lord, and several other reasons including:

    1. The choral process reflects the mission of the universal church
    2. Choirs support good congregational singing
    3. Their visual presence is an encouragement to the congregation
    4. Choirs make a broader repertoire available for a worship service
    5. Choirs help singers develop and improve their musical gifts
    6. Participation in choir ministry can be an avenue for introducing outsiders to the church and the Christian faith
    7. A church choir is an open, welcoming, and diverse group


Church Choirs meets every Saturday

  • 4:00 – 5:00 PM David The Psalmist Choir
  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM Angels Choir

Choir Registration